Nico Matthew Valencia

Nico Valencia is a recent graduate of the University of Guam where he obtained his degree in Biology: Bio-medical Track. He is currently under Harvard University’s Research Scholar Initiative (RSI) program under the Life Sciences division. He is broadly interested in learning more about the genetics of psychiatric disorders and the use of more computational […]

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Trisha Karani

Trisha is a bioinformatics specialist in the Karczewski lab at MGH and Broad. She holds a BS degree in Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science (and is currently completing her MS in Computer Science) from Johns Hopkins University. She is passionate about fostering collaboration between engineers and physicians and is broadly interested in applying machine learning […]

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Emily Nason

Emily Nason is a Computational Associate I in the Finucane Lab. She is interested in leveraging statistical methods and machine learning models to analyze genomic data. She earned a BS in Mathematics and an MS in Applied Mathematics from Northeastern University, with a focus on data science. […]

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Greg Rohlicek

Greg is a Computational Associate in the Karczewski and Neale groups at the Broad Institute. Greg holds a B.Eng in Software Engineering from McGill University and an MS in Operations Research from Northeastern University. He is passionate about applying optimization and classical statistics (and their software implementations thereof) to enhance machine learning methods used to […]

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Christiana Liu

Christiana (Yijia) Liu is a Computational Associate I at the Neale lab. She recently graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a BA/MHS in Genetic Epidemiology, Cognitive Science, and Public Health Studies. Her research interests lie in applying statistical methods to study genetic variants and neurodevelopmental diseases. In my free time, she enjoys playing musical instruments, […]

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Ruqi Liao

Ruqi Liao is a computational associate I in the Finucane Lab and she is interested in applying deep learning models to protein data. Before joining the lab, she completed a MS degree in Data Science at Harvard University. […]

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Kaitlin Pennels

Kaitlin (Kait) Pennels is a Senior Project Coordinator at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. She coordinates the Genetics of Eating Disorder study through the Broad Program in Brain Health. Her work focuses on fostering international collaborations, research compliance, direct-to-participant recruitment, and data generation. Kait also works on coordinating large international collaborations like the […]

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Arsalan Hassan

Dr. Arsalan Hassan is a postdoctoral fellow at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT in the Huang and Neale labs, specializing in the genetics of psychiatric disorders. He earned his PhD in Pharmacogenomics from the University of Peshawar, where his research focused on genetic and clinical factors associated with treatment resistance in schizophrenia. During […]

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Ruifei Zhu

Ruifei is a Computational Associate I in the Huang Lab at the Broad Institute. She is currently interested in exploring the genetic impacts on complex human diseases by leveraging statistical and computational tools on large and diverse genomic datasets. She completed an MS degree in Bioinformatics at Boston University and an MSc in Biomedical Engineering […]

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Mutaamba Maasha

Mutaamba is a Software Engineer under the supervision of Mitja Kurki and Mark Daly. Mutaamba received a Master in Computer Science from Oxford University in 2016. […]

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