Matthew Solomonson

Matt is an Associate Director of Genomic Data visualization and is interested in developing interactive visualization tools for exploring large biological datasets. He studied protein structural biology during his PhD at the University of British Columbia. […]

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Aarno Palotie

Aarno Palotie is a faculty member at the Center for Human Genome Research at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, an associate member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and research director of the Human Genomics Program at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) in Helsinki. The overall goal of Palotie´s group […]

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Dennis Lal

I am a “Research Scientist” at the Stanley Center (and Group Leader at the Cologne Center for Genomics). “Why did the patient develop this disease?” “Will the patient respond to this medication?” “Can we predict the disease prognosis?” “What is the underlying mechanism?” My long-term research interests involve the development of a comprehensive understanding of […]

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Daniel MacArthur, PhD

MacArthur’s lab seeks to accurately identify DNA variants affecting gene function and human disease risk from large-scale datasets containing genetic information from more than 90,000 human genomes. He also studies transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) approaches to better understand the impact of variants on human gene function. His lab leads an international consortium, the Exome Aggregation Consortium […]

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